On June 26, 2020 in Minsk, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vladimir Makei, took part in a ceremony dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of signing the United Nations Charter. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the UN Office in Belarus organized the ceremony in the Loshitsky Park, near the Loshitsky Manor, where the first UN mission in Belarus – the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), was located in the post-war years.

The event was attended by the UN Resident Coordinator in Belarus, Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecki, heads of the UN agencies and diplomatic missions, representatives of Belarusian scientific and cultural circles. During the ceremony, the publication of the UN Charter in Belarusian language was presented. Its’ copies will be transferred to the central libraries of regional and large cities of Belarus, as well as to the UN libraries in Vienna, Geneva and New York. In his statement, V.Makei emphasized the crucial importance of adhering to the fundamental principles enshrined in the UN Charter. The full and conscientious implementation of them can ensure peaceful coexistence of states, sustainable economic development and social progress. The Minister noted that the publication of the UN Charter in Belarusian language helps to ensure the continuity of generations and historical memory of the contribution of Belarus to the establishment of international peace. At the opening ceremony the UN Resident Coordinator in Belarus, Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecki, the Director of the Museum of History of the City of Minsk, Galina Ladisova, the Director of the National Library of Belarus, Roman Motulsky, and heads of diplomatic missions of the states — permanent members of the UN Security Council (the UK, China, Russia, the U.S. and France) addressed the participants of the ceremony. The video of the ceremony will be available on the YouTube channel of the UN Office in Belarus.

Source: http://www.mfa.gov.by/en/press/news_mfa/fb4bb119df9e08ad.html