Welcome to the International Federation of Consular Associations – FICAC (

FICAC – History

by K S Bhalla , Honorary Consul General of Nauru in India, Director FICAC,
Chairman FICAC South Asia Regional Committee,
Vice-President Emeritus, Honorary Consular Corps Diplomatique-India

FICAC , also called World Federation of Consuls, was founded in Copenhagen on 2 October 1982 by a small group of visionaries led by Consul General Vagn Jespersen of Denmark. Countries present at the meeting and first signatories were Finland, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. This body gave consuls of the world a much-needed forum to share experiences and co-ordinate efforts to enhance their status and effectiveness and to bring together Consular Associations and Corps from all around the globe.

The World Federation of Consuls has United Nations recognition as an NGO with ECOSOC Status. It is recognized as an NGO by the Organization of American States. It is also recognized as an NGO at the European Union. On 17th September 2010, the World Federation of Consuls signed a partnership agreement with the Prince Albert II Foundation of Monaco, a Foundation created by His Serene Highness Prince Albert II to work in the fields of environment and climate change.

FICAC has spread wide and fast. Today it has over 87 member – associations and affiliated members. It has been holding periodical conferences to strengthen bonding among Consuls and to channelise their experience in professional fields . After the first meeting of founding fathers in Copenhagen in 1982 , the Federation   held two more meetings in Copenhagen on 26th October 1984 and 9-10 October 1986 to draw up a working Constitution, called Copenhagen Statutes, and give shape to the world body.

Since then, World Congresses and General Meetings have been held every three years. The First General Meeting , later also called World Congress of Consuls , was held in Vienna on 22-24 April 1988. It was attended by 132 Honorary Consuls from 21 countries.

The 2nd Conference was scheduled to be held in Athens in April 1991 but it was cancelled in autumn of 1990 due to the impending Gulf War. The 3rd Conference took place in Monaco on 16-18 November 1992. It was opened by His Serene Highness Prince Albert of Monaco. The 4th International Congress was held in Cyprus ( Limassol) from 25-28 May 1995 . About 90 Honorary Consuls and their spouses were present. Consul General Vagn Jespersen, who had been President of FICAC for 13 years since its foundation in 1982, was elected Honorary President for lifetime.

Eilat ( Israel) was the venue of the 5th Congress from 11- 14 May 1998 at which a new Constitution was agreed upon. An Agreement between FICAC and FUCHE ( Federation of European Consular Associations) in the form of Memorandum of Understanding was ratified unanimously admitting all members of FUCHE into FICAC. But, unfortunately, the MOU did not work in practice.

The 6th Congress was held in Curacao, Dutch Caribbean, from 15-17 May 2000. Among the keynote speakers was the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Antilles, H E Mr M A Pourier . The next Congress was supposed to take place on 18-21 May 2003 in Seville (Spain) but due to some internal problems amongst members of the Spanish Consular Corps, it did not materialize. The 7th World Congress of Consuls was then held in Athens ( Greece) on 24-25 November 2003. The FICAC Constitution was amended at this Congress. Through two Resolutions passed at this Conference, FICAC appealed to all the States to issue distinctive number plates for the cars of Honorary Consuls and introduced the honorific title of “Hon.” before the names of all Honorary Consuls.

In the 8th World Congress of Consuls held in Montego Bay, Jamaica, from 4-9 November 2006, the new President Arnold Foote made a pledge to change the centres of influence of the Federation to be more inclusive towards Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Caribbean. The 9th World Congress was held in Izmir (Turkey) from 14-18 November 2009. Next triennual General Assembly/Congress will be held in Monaco in November 2012.

FICAC has been led by the following distinguished persons since its inception:

Consul General Vagn Jespersen of Denmark – 1982 – 1995.

Consul General Andreas Mavrommatis of Cyprus –1995-2000

Consul General Peter Gad Naschitz of Israel –2000- 2003

Consul General Roland Dahlman of Sweden – 2003-2006

Consul General Arnold Foote of Jamaica – since 2006

The year 2006 under President Arnold Foote’s leadership marked a watershed in the history of FICAC opening out new vistas and new horizons and expanding FICAC’s reach, aims and activities. New logo for FICAC , FICAC News, FICACWORLD website were designed, created and produced. FICAC International Trade Expos and FICAC International Cultural Galas were started for the development of trade and culture between Sending and Receiving States.  The FICAC decorations including FICAC Gold Star were envisioned , designed and produced .

The historic occasion of 25th Anniversary of FICAC, which fell on 2 October 2007, was celebrated by holding regional conferences in Thailand , Brazil, Finland, Turkey, Czech Republic, Africa, Monaco, Dubai , Dominic Republic, Philippines, India. These conferences were inaugurated and addressed by heads of governments and Foreign Ministers.   At these conferences, Medals of Honour and Special Medals of Honour were awarded to Honorary Consuls who had rendered distinctive service to their consular corps and FICAC. FICAC Gold Star was created as a mark of highest Honour in recognition of the excellent work of world leaders and awarded to heads of States/Governments, namely,  Prime Minister of Jamaica, President of the Republic of Turkey, Prince Albert II of Monaco, President of Ghana, President of European Council, President of the Philippines and His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

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