On Thursday the 19th of October 2023, the GNBCC Netherlands and the GSABC South Africa held the 6th edition of their flagship event for the first time this year with the GBBC Belgium at the Dutch Ambassador’s residence.

All three countries have a lot in common as the Netherlands and Belgium share a border, and a common history and Afrikaans or Dutch are co-official languages also shared with South Africa.

With over 150 participants, this networking cocktail was an opportunity for attendees and sponsors to introduce and promote their businesses to one another whilst building business relationships as operators in the Ghanaian economic sphere.

A special thank you to Hon. Mr Wendy Van Meel (Deputy Ambassador of the Netherlands), Hon. Mrs Grace Mason (Ambassador of South Africa) and Hon. Mr Dimitri Avraam (Consul of Belgium) for their presence and insightful speeches.

We want to extend our gratitude to all members of the GBBC Belgium, the GNBCC Netherlands, the GSABC South Africa and to all our sponsors for their contribution to making this networking cocktail a success (among others and in no particular order): MTN, Nii Plants Logistics, Japan Motors, MPS, Comexas Ghana, Gold Fields, Uncle T, Delft Imaging, Nii Plants Car Rental, WARA, Tale Beer, Truck4Me Limited, Awake, Ribeth Hygenik Foods, Guinness Ghana, Fincap, Eco Index, PMI, Bethel Industries Ltd, Barantus Sales, Triad Consultants, Equatorial Coca Cola Bottling Company, Stella Artois, Club Beer and Kenyio.

We look forward to more networking sessions to strengthen the business relationships nurtured during this special occasion.