The FICAC Board of Directors, travelled to Istanbul, Turkey, to hold its meeting on Saturday 11th  February 2023 to show its support to the people affected by the earthquake that struck Turkey.

The previous day, FICAC President Hon. Nikolaos Margaropoulos, accompanied by the Board of Directors of FICAC and some Observers, paid a courtesy visit to the Chief Rabbi in Istanbul. Rabbi Isak Haleva, who has participated at previous FICAC events, including the World Congress in 2009.The delegation was well received.

The Board of Directors then visited the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Kurulu /DEIK), where DEIK’s Chief Economist Dr. Hakki Karataş, Ph.D. presented DEIK’s structure and activities as well as Turkey’s performance and investment opportunities.

The FICAC Board of Directors also visited his All-Holiness, the Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I (FICAC’s Gold Star recipient). They expressed their appreciation and support and had a very pleasant and rewarding discussion, especially regarding their common interest in the protection of the Environment in which the Patriarchate is very active.

Additionally, FICAC, through its “Women in Diplomacy” and “Art” Committees, organized an Exhibition and Auction for women artists “The Healing Project” in Istanbul, Turkey, which was scheduled to be at the Pera Museum on February 12th 2023. Twenty female artists participated in an auction for their artwork, and the proceeds were used to fund scholarships for girls in Peace and Conflict Resolution studies. However, the event was postponed due to the national mourning in Turkey. The Board of Directors decided part of the auction proceeds should be donated to the earthquake victim’s fund.

Members of the Board of Directors present include:
•         President, Hon. Nikolaos Margaropoulos (Greece/Philippines)
•         Secretary General, Hon. Purrshottam Bhaggeria (India/Moldova)
•         Treasurer, Hon. Jelil Bouraoui (Tunisia/Estonia)
•         Hon. Dr. Mirza Ikhtiar Baig Ikthiar Baig (Pakistan/Yemen)
•         Hon. Borislav Boyanov (Bulgaria/Malta)
•         Hon. Stelio Campanale (Italy/Greece)
•         Hon. Ami H. Orkaby (Israel/Korea/Mongolia)
•         Hon. Francois Piers (Belgium/Tunisia)
•         Hon. Karim Qubain (Honduras/Japan)
•         Hon. Louis J. Vella (USA/Malta)
•         Hon. Kwame Acquah N. Acquah (Ghana/Seychelles)
•         Hon. Gonul Eken (Turkey/Saint Kitts and Navis)
•         Hon. Paolo Tricotti (Monaco/Chile)

•         Hon. Janis Zelmenis (Latvia/Malta)
•         Hon. Vikram Vishwanath (India/Peru)
•         Hon. Erol Makzume (Turkey/Guyana)
•         Hon. Dr. Elias Nikolakopoulos Nikolakopoulos (Oman/Greece)
•         Col. Thierry JOUAN (Monaco)
•         Hon. Venceslava Yanchovska (Bulgaria/Norway)
•         Hon. Alessandro Palmigiano (Italy/Lithuania)
•        Hon. Raja Aghzadi (Maroco/Gambia)
•         Hon. Atman Haloui (Maroco/Luxembourg)