At the launch of the Belgian Business Club in Accra, on 29 Jan 2020, H.E. Michael Winner, Belgium Ambassador to Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire said that Belgium key areas of cooperation are to be found in the economic sphere and in financial assistance mechanisms. Belgian endeavor to strengthen it economic ties with Ghana through it support to Belgian companies wanting to develop the Ghanaian market and expanding trade relation with Ghana.
Mr. Wimmer said over recent years, state-to-state loans and interest subsidies has formed part of a strong financial instrument used to boost our economic cooperation. Belgium has no direct bilateral development program with Ghana, but remains present through other channels as multi-lateral organizations such as European Union, indirect development organizations among others.

A Business Club is set up for Belgian companies and their partners in Ghana to share common interest and further contribute to the development of the country.

The Belgian Business Club is a private association of 25+ companies and professionals belonging to different sectors which aims at supporting, fostering and enhancing bilateral trade and investment relations between Belgium and Ghanaian companies.

GBBC Representative: Mrs. H. Laeremans-Famaey

Mobile:  +233540116519

PO Box CT 10936, Cantonments, Accra

Address: Plot 22, Abokobi Road no 3, Cantonments, Accra